Iloian dragons come from a planet in the Dragon's Eye solar system (the same one that houses Tris'Hath and Sistarrist Drakan). It was once thought to be a dead rock, just like its siblings, but Barokian voyages to the far side of the planet have revealed an amazingly well hidden, and well advanced, culture.

The Iloian dragons are the only sentient beings on their small, somewhat chilly planet. It is sixth from the sun, slightly smaller then Tris'Hath (which is Earth sized), and shrouded in a constant sea of writhing, churning clouds. The clouds send frequent ice storms tearing across the landscape, obliterating any hope of survival on the 'outside'. The Iloian draogns, however, have flourished in their own, self-maintained paradise.

Iloians are amazingly intelligent creatures who have far surpassed many technological advancements known in the Nexus. They have built entire cities beneath giant glass domes. Circular bulbs at the top of each dome acts as a secondary sun, providing heat to their dwellings. Which, by the way, require a /lot/ of heat.

Iloians are humid zone creatures who dwell in the safety and purity of ancient forests. They have only a few scattered metal buildings, used for the construction of their 'other halves'.

The Tikits, as the Iloians have dubbed them, are mechanical creatures with the same intellect and manuverability as themselves. Their shapes can vary, depending on the creator's desire, but the purpose remains the same. Tikits are voices to the mute Iloians.

A unique trait of the Iloians is that they are completely and utterly mute. They cannot speak aloud, nor through mental contact, even if a connection is made from another telepathic being. They communicate through gestures and written glyphs, and recently through the Tikits. Though possessed of no real /need/ to speak aloud, the Iloians have found the Tikit's constant chatter to be amusing. Should it ever get tiresome, it's simple enough to order their mechanical friends to 'shut up'. No Tikit will disobey the will of it's Iloian.

The Iloians live in a very strict social structure. Any who deviate from it are immediately pegged as outcasts and sent to live in the harsh outside world. Given the Iloian's gradual evolution into humid zone creatures, it's assumed that anyone sent to the outside will die within hours.

Your particular Iloian is a shaman. S/he is responsible for the health and well-being of her fellow Iloians. The flowers growing from his/her vines denote her status as a graduated shaman and respected healer. Usually, a shaman will never venture far from the town where they have taken up their trade. A few, however, choose to be wandering shamans. They have no homes but the ones offered them in each town that they visit. This one chose to extend her aid beyond the borders of Ilo, becoming only the second Iloian ever to venture offworld.